A l'école: Bellevue High School

Graduates of the French National Honor Society Graduation Ceremony hear first-hand perspectives on benefits of bilingualism.

The French National Honor Society is a national association of American teachers who gather to recognize students of the French language who have maintained excellent grades. For the Honor Society's class of 2019 graduation ceremony, Ms. Shannon Profilio, French teacher at Bellevue High School, invited two members of the Consular Agency to attend the ceremony: Oriane Roux and Pierric Reynaud.

On May 30th, two French volunteers from the French Consular Agency in Seattle attended the graduation to introduce themselves. They delved into the academic and professional perspective brought by the knowledge of the French language and dove more into the details of the benefits of bilingualism.

"The ceremony of graduation of students was quite formal, rhythmed by the quote “L’homme qui sait deux langues en vaut deux”, chanted by the students as they were given the symbolic candle." - Pierric Reynaud, Consular Volunteer, reflecting on the experience

If you are interested in hosting a presentation made by a French-speaker at your school, please contact info@faccpnw.org.

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