Corée Affaires N°114 - Call for Contributions

Corée Affaires N°114 - Call for Contributions

For its upcoming edition in December, the Corée Affaires is seeking contributions from industry leaders and professionals to share their expertise.

As the only bilingual French/Korean magazine published biannually, Corée Affaires offers a comprehensive range of information related to the French-Korean business community and their relations. It covers current events from the FKCCI, economic news, commercial trends, technological advancements, and cultural landscape of the moment, with a special focus delving into a current topic in Korea. Each edition also features interviews with distinguished economic and political figures such as Ban Ki- Moon, Bernard Arnault, Christine Lagarde, Fleur Pellerin, Sohn Mina (editor-in-chief of Huffington Post Korea), French Ambassadors in Korea. 

The upcoming December 2023 edition will focus its special feature on “Deep Technologies”, analyzing the latest technological advancements and their influence on business processes. DeepTech industries encompass various fields, including artificial intelligence, biotechnology, blockchains, NFTsand more. Therefore, FKCCI invites industry leaders and professionals to share their expertise with our esteemed readership in the upcoming issues of Corée Affaires. Notably, if your company is at the forefront of these cutting-edge technologies and your expertise lies within any of these pioneering sectors, share your expertise and innovations in your sector in a 1–2-page article highlighting how these advancements are shaping your industry. 

The magazine will be printed in more than 1,000 copies and published as an E-Book, ensuring that your words reach a wide and diverse audience, from prestigious universities to over 450 business members worldwide. It serves as an excellent means to reach French business leaders in Korea, executives, entrepreneurs, and more broadly, the Francophone audience in Korea. 




For more information, please contact us via email at communication(@)


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